Request a Demo

Please fill out the form below to request a demo of the CAM Patch (US only).

Once submitted, a local representative will assist you to receive your requested demo.

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BardyDx respects your privacy. The info you provide us is intended for internal use only, and we will not share, sell, or distribute your information. View our privacy policy. By submitting this form, you consent to BardyDx contacting you for purposes of sending you educational information and news about BardyDx products and services.

Rx Only. For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the Instructions for Use.

US-FLC199-240020 (v2.0) 10/2024

Bellevue WA

220 120th Avenue NE
Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98005

BDx Solutions TX

3934 Cypress Creek Pkwy
Suite 150
Houston, TX 77068

BDx Solutions NJ

430 Mountain Ave
Suite 101
New Providence, NJ 07974

BDx Solutions CA

860 N. McCarthy Blvd
Suite 280
Milpitas, CA 95035